Fireweed Acupuncture | June Updates

A field of blooming colorful wildflowers

Fireweed Acupuncture

June 2024

Happy Summer!

Though the Summer Solstice isn't until June 20th, we've been feeling the hot temperatures for weeks now in Iowa - summer definitely feels like it has arrived! In this email, I have some clinic updates, upcoming event and class announcements, and a bit of info about the emotion of Summer: Joy.

A little housekeeping! As you may have noticed (or maybe not!), I've switched the service I use for sending out newsletters. I hope this service will be a bit more user-friendly; one big improvement is that there is a page where you can edit which newsletters you prefer to subscribe to, rather than having to sign up one by one. Click here to check out your subscriptions! You'll also notice on that page that there is an email list for Same Day Sliding Scale Appointments - more on that below ๐Ÿ˜Š The newsletters will also have an archive that people can visit later - you're welcome to view that here, though this will be the only post visible for now.

Thanks for reading! As always, feel free to respond to the email with any thoughts or questions!

Take care,

Kate Thomas, LAc

Clinic Updates

Upcoming Classes

I am excited to have a few upcoming classes! I love sharing more about Chinese medicine and how it can be integrated into everyday life - it is so much more than just getting acupuncture! Both upcoming classes are available online, and you can attend live or watch the recording later - all participants have access to a recording for a month after the class!

Summer Health & Wellness - Thursday, July 18 at 10:30 am - $35
โ€‹click here for more infoโ€‹

In this 90-minute class, we'll talk about Chinese medicine food therapy tips to help you stay cool, herbs and teas to try, acupressure for common summer ailments, and other tips and tricks related to summer health.
Sign up by July 5 and save $10! Use code SUMMER when signing up.


Intro to Chinese Medicine - Thursday, July 25 at 10:30 am - $15
โ€‹click here for more infoโ€‹

In this 60-minute class, we'll talk about some of the foundational theories of Chinese medicine, and we'll talk a bit about acupuncture as a practice - including what the heck all the acronyms mean! The goal is to help you better understand how to pick a provider (even if that's not me!), as well as understand a bit more about what is happening when you are getting a treatment. If there is time, we will have a Q&A at the end!



Same-Day Sliding Scale Appointments

Summer schedules can often be hectic, and it may be difficult to predict when you're available. At the same time, I often have last-minute cancellations! So, I am going to try out something new this summer: Same Day Sliding Scale Appointments. Here's how it will work:

  • If you're interested in being notified when there are appointments available, click here to sign up for the mailing list.โ€‹
  • I will send out emails to this mailing list either the afternoon before or the morning of the appointments that are available. I may also let people know if there is an appointment later in the week that has recently become available.
  • If one of the time(s) works well for you, you will respond back to the email and let me know which time(s) you would like.
  • I will respond to your email to either confirm the appointment is reserved for you, or to let you know it was taken by someone else. Appointments are first-come-first-served and are not reserved until confirmed.
  • At your appointment, you are invited to use the sliding scale (more info on the sign-up page!) as needed to pay for your appointment. You'll just tell me what to charge to your card at the end of your appointment.

Here's a few more details to keep in mind:

  • This is for current patients only (seen in the clinic within the last month or two) and will only be for 60-minute follow-up acupuncture appointments.
  • Because these appointments are made within 24 hours, all cancellations will be charged the late cancellation fee of $45 (or no-show fee of $85). Please keep this in mind when signing up for an appointment! Once your appointment is confirmed, the time is yours.
  • There is no guarantee of available appointments, so if you want to make sure you are able to get care on a regular schedule, I strongly recommend continuing to schedule your appointments in advance.
  • The purpose of sliding scale care is to increase access to services that would otherwise be out of reach for people. The success of sliding scale is based on trust and reciprocity. I don't dig into your income or circumstances, and trust that you know your budget best. In return, I trust that people respect my time and expertise and pay what they are truly able to afford. If sliding scale care is new to you, this website explains it well!โ€‹

Summer & Joy

Joy is not a function of a life free of friction and frustration, but a function of focus โ€” an inner elevation by the fulcrum of choice. So often, it is a matter of attending to what Hermann Hesse called (...) โ€œthe little joysโ€; so often, those are the slender threads of which we weave the lifeline that saves us.
- Maria Popova in The Marginalianโ€‹

I had originally intended to write about something else entirely for this newsletter, but then the topic of joy kept popping up, so here we are! In Chinese medicine, we often say the emotion for Summer is Joy. And, yes, it is. But, as with everything in Chinese medicine, it is not just a concept in isolation; it is joy in connection or in relation to something. Connection to people, to our environment, to nature, to our purpose. We may have a moment of joy when we notice a blooming flower, share laughter with someone, or taste something delicious. Joy is different than happiness: joy is often a fleeting or momentary reaction to something, whereas happiness is more of an emotion or mood.

โ€‹In her recent newsletter, Lisa Olivera shared a picture of a button that said, "Don't postpone joy"(Memorabilia with that phrase has an interesting backstory, too!) and talks about how finding and choosing joy in the world right now is often a struggle. This lines up with a lot of the conversations I am having with people lately! But, she reminds herself to continuously come back to choosing joy, choosing to be hopeful. (If that is something that interests you, Rebecca Solnit talking about hope is my go-to reminder.)

You are probably familiar with the idea of a "trigger," or something that makes us feel stress or trend towards fight-or-flight mode. But, less commonly known is the contrasting idea of a "glimmer," or something that we find soothing and calming. They are small things, rather than elaborate plans, and once we know what they are, we can better arrange our days and weeks to have more of them. When I hear about "choosing joy" or noticing joy, especially in small things, I am always reminded of the idea of a glimmer.

John Kirkwood, in his book The Way of the Five Seasons, reminds us that, rather than finding the emotion that resonates with the season to be easy, it's often the time people struggle with it. And, we are so busy in summer; when do we slow down to take the time to notice the things that bring us joy? Even in our rush of activity and fun and celebration of summer, we can experience the other seasons' emotions: anger or resentment at our schedule, grief or melancholy that summer is passing quickly, etc. (Poke Acupuncture writes about this, too). Kahlil Gibran's poem On Joy and Sorrow reminds us that Joy and Sorrow are linked, and we can't feel one without the other - and Chinese medicine agrees, connecting Joy, Fire, and Summer to Grief, Metal, and Autumn on the seasonal cycle (here's a visual!).

Don't get me wrong: we don't owe it to anyone to be happy or joyful. It can be really difficult to avoid feeling hopeless with much of what is going on in the world right now, in addition to the struggles we may have in our own lives. But, to quote Rebecca Solnit from Hope in the Dark, "Joy is a fine act of insurrection," and choosing to slow down and notice joyful moments, even in the midst of everything, is crucial to our ability to persist through the struggles.

There's obviously lots more to say about the topic, but this is what I will end with for now: in Chinese medicine, the virtue tied to Joy, Summer, and Fire is Li ็ฆฎ, which has several translations: proprietary, ritual, ceremony. In this case, one aspect it is referring to is being present and feeling connected to this moment. When we take the time to pay attention and notice what is happening around us, we often feel those flashes of joy. When was the last time you took the time to really notice a bird call, observe the way the sunlight hits the leaves of trees, enjoy a scent, feel gratitude for something - to cultivate joy?

The choice of "cultivate" here is intentional and often pops up in Chinese medicine practices, such as Qi Gong. Cultivation is a purposeful practice - choosing to do something regularly to bring about the result you are looking for. This is not a passive "I hope this one day finds me" feeling! So, this summer, I invite you to find ways to cultivate your joy, rather than postpone it for a more convenient time. Take the time to notice the small things, to feel gratitude, to seek connection to whatever feels good to you.

"My advice to the person suffering from lack of time and from apathy is this: Seek out each day as many as possible of the small joys, and thriftily save up the larger, more demanding pleasures for holidays and appropriate hours. It is the small joys first of all that are granted us for recreation, for daily relief and disburdenment, not the great ones."
- Hermann Hesse, quoted hereโ€‹

Fireweed Acupunctureโ€‹
3520 Beaver Ave Unit C, Des Moines, IA 50310
โ€‹Clinic Homepage | Apothecary | Book an Appointmentโ€‹
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Fireweed Acupuncture

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